Category: News

27 Nov Climbing Jacob’s Ladder

Dear friend, Please join us December 5th for a Shabbat morning program of music, Torah study, and friends!  I will lead our adult program of music, contemplation, and Torah study.Tanya will lead our fun and educational childrens’ program, including singing, stories, activity, and edible art.Kiddush lunch follows in honor of Deborah Letow’s birthday.Program will be… Read more »

19 Nov Havdalah this Saturday night!

Dear Friends, When Tanya and I lived in Brooklyn, the small corner store at the base of our building had a sign, “Best pizza in town!”  Considering how many places in New York sell pizza, I was impressed to be living right above such a culinary landmark.  Alas, however, it was just another typical New… Read more »

12 Nov Kol HaLev Jewish Afterschool: Hebrew School Reimagined

We are a Jewish engagement and education organization in Central Palm Beach County. The goal of our Jewish Afterschool program is to engage Jews in Palm Beach County in meaningful Jewish education, joyous holiday programming, and open and accessible spiritual experiences and community. We are an incorporated nonprofit synagogue in FL, and have 501(c)3 recognition…. Read more »

10 Nov How our Hebrew School is Different

When my family goes out for ice cream, we go to a frozen yogurt shop down the street that has a great variety of flavors and toppings. Aliza always gets anything pink with blue gummy sharks, Daniel gets Superman ice cream, and Hannah gets Rocky Road with hot fudge. If an ice cream parlor opened… Read more »

04 Nov Shabbat on the Lawn December 5th

Shabbat on the LawnDecember 5th 10:00 Let’s get together, for real! Join us for Shabbat outdoors on the lawn, with music & Torah discussion.Social distancing observed. Children’s service led by Tanya will include music, stories, and edible art. Kiddush lunch in honor of Debrah Letow’s Birthday; please RSVP for kiddush lunch.

04 Nov What was the sin of Sodom?

Dear Friends, When the Sha’agat Aryeh became rabbi of Melz, the town leaders enacted a new ordinance to enhance Jewish life in his honor. They decreed that instead of begging house to house, beggars would come to a central office and receive a stipend. They scheduled a meeting to discuss this enactment, but the Sha’agat… Read more »

29 Oct Lech Lecha: What do we need to leave behind?

Dear Friends, This week in the Torah, Abraham receives a call to start his journey: “Go to yourself, leaving your land, from where you were born, from your parents house.” The fundamental spiritual call is about transformation, re-creating ourselves based on ideals of holiness, not being satisfied with ourselves but passionately and constantly bettering ourselves…. Read more »

29 Oct Lech Lecha: What do we need to leave behind?

Dear Friends, This week in the Torah, Abraham receives a call to start his journey: “Go to yourself, leaving your land, from where you were born, from your parents house.” The fundamental spiritual call is about transformation, re-creating ourselves based on ideals of holiness, not being satisfied with ourselves but passionately and constantly bettering ourselves…. Read more »

20 Oct Parshat Noah: what did the HOA think?

According to the midrash, Noah spent 120 years building the ark, including growing trees to specific measurements (the longest was exactly 450 feet) so they would not have to be cut to size.  The idea was that the other people would see him making the ark, learn about the flood, and do teshuvah. Why didn’t the… Read more »

16 Oct Bereshit: Can a world be created with truth?

According to the midrash, God considered creating a world based on emet, truth; seeing that such a world could not survive, God hurled truth into the earth and created the world based on hesed, generosity, instead. I was struck this week, listening to the discussion of a judge’s role, by the contrast between the American… Read more »