Category: News

12 Oct Rehiring a Holocaust Denier

As a rabbi, resident of Palm Beach County, and father of children in the Palm Beach County schools, I was shocked and dismayed to see that the Palm Beach County School Board made national news for reinstating William Latson, a principal who could not confirm the reality of the Holocaust, demonstrating that he is either… Read more »

09 Oct Simhat Torah

My memory of Simchat Torah as a child is hundreds of people crowded into the narrow aisle surrounding the pews in our sanctuary, circling the sanctuary while packed so tightly we could only shuffle rather than walk.  More recently, I have been to celebrations where the seats are removed, and we make endless circles around… Read more »

09 Oct Creative kids!

Hi friends, I wanted to share these beautiful model Sukkahs the children created in our Mitzvah class.  The children learned about Sukkot, and created model Sukkahs out of clay, food, legos, or whatever materials they could find.  Thanks to master teacher Aliza Stein for giving them an inspiring hands-on experience of the Jewish holiday of… Read more »

03 Sep We forgive, but do we forget?

We forgive, but do we forget? All of our relationships have baggage.  Emotional baggage is like balls we stuff into a closet: once we open the door, all the balls come pouring out into the room and are awfully hard to put back.  Our spouse hurts our feelings, and we remember the hundred times they… Read more »

07 Jan Who am I? Moses and the Dalai Lama

As I write, it is hard to ignore the shock and horror of yesterday’s events. I have always believed we are a civil, respectful country. I pray that our country return to civility, fellowship, and peace, and that those who feel passionate learn restraint and respect. I also pray for the families of those hurt… Read more »